Cooking Classes-Sourdough/Pasta/Dessert


Learn how to make beautiful artisan bread, from instructions on how to get your starter culture going, to dough kneading methods, to shaping and proofing and eventually baking.

  • You will learn this wonderful process from start to finish including starter culture maintenance.
  • The Class is for 4 hours
  • Can be one to one or in a small group
  • Includes morning tea and home baked cakes.
  • Each participant will take home a beautiful loaf of sourdough bread.
  • Class instruction sheet and recipe sheet to take home.

Cost $100 – includes tutoring, all ingredients, recipe sheet, morning tea and a beautiful sourdough loaf to take home.


pasta class session

Pasta class









There is nothing like hand made fresh pasta…….I can show you how easy and delightful it is to make, cook and enjoy eating beautiful soft silky pasta.

Get a few friends together and enjoy a home pasta making party…..lots of fun, lots of laughs and great experience!  Your reward is not only to learn how to make fresh pasta, but to sit down after it is made and cooked, and enjoy it for lunch with your friends along with a complimentary bottle of wine!

Here are some photos of my pasta classes from my bed & breakfast sessions……….book a party and enjoy, I will bring all the equipment and essential ingredients.  Any number of people is fine, cost per person $80.00 all ingredients supplied, including pasta machines, and a surprise dessert 🙂


Rolling pasta through the machine


Filling the ravioli



Freshly made ravioli

Pasta rolling


Learn how to make pastry life a professional, the tips and tricks to ensure you pastry is mouthwatering a buttery every time.

In this class we make a lemon meringue tart, from start to finish, including pastry, Leon curd and the light as air meringue topping

Other choices are creme brûlée tarts, apple tart tin tart, and pavlova.

this class can to made to suit your taste.

Morning tea and refreshments during the class, talks on methods and ways to make dessert making easier, and of course that gorgeous tart or pie to take home to the family.

Class cost $100.00 includes all ingredients, refreshments and tutoring and recipe sheets.

Duration 3 hours.