Baba Ganoush

Baba ganoush

With it’s delightful smoky flavour it is great with lamb and freshly made flatbread.   

 It is also wonderful with my falafel patties   they really go perfectly together.

I really can’t get enough of it when I make it.

  1. Blacken 1 eggplant on the BBQ or frypan turning until all sides are charred and it is soft.
  2. Scoop the flesh out into a food processor.
  3. Add 1 sliced garlic clove, ½ tsp smoked paprika, pinch of salt, juice of ½ lemon, ½ tsp cumin & coriander, 1 tbsp tahini and blend together until smooth
  4. Gradually trickle in 1/8 cup olive oil blending constantly.
  5. Spoon into a dish and sprinkle more smoked paprika over, and a drizzle of olive oil and chopped parsley for garnish.

This recipe is so delicious and easy to make……….enjoy!!!!!

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