Archive | July 2016

Cooking classes in your home

I held many cooking classes in my bed and breakfast, especially pasta making classes which everyone loved as we made and cooked the pasta and then sat down and enjoyed it together with a glass of wine.  The other popular one was a high tea, with mini cakes and sweets, especially for hens parties.

I can come to your home for a cooking class with your friends, or just yourself, or you can come to mine. (upper north shore Sydney).

Classes run from $50 per person which includes all ingredients and a bottle of wine or a dessert ♥  send me an email gailrwilson@gmail or via the link on the main page or via Facebook or Instagram links……………we can work together to organise something that suits you and your friends. Its fun and a great way to have the girls around and have some fun together.

  1. Pasta making, fettucine, ravioli (pictured), or potato gnocchi – class 2 hours $50p/p – includes a bottle of wine
  2. Mini cakes and sweet treats – class 2 hours $50 p/p  -includes tea & coffee & recipes
  3. Decadent desserts – class 2 hours $50 p/p includes – tea & coffee & recipes
  4. Main courses – lamb, chicken or beef – class 2.5 hours $60 per person – includes a bottle of wine & recipes
  5. Seafood – super salmon main course, garlic & chilli prawns – class 2 hours $60 p/p – includes a bottle of wine
  6. Cakes – class 2 hours $50 per person – includes tea & coffee & recipes
  7. No knead bread making – so easy and so rewarding – 2.5 hours includes home made butter to spread ever so thickly on & recipes
  8. Beautiful breakfasts – including how to poach eggs – class 2 hours $50 p/p – includes tea & coffee
  9. Class to suit you – both main course and dessert $80 p/p – includes a bottle of wine.

Payment 3 days before via bank transfer, no refunds on cancellations but a re-booked date is happily honoured.


Ravioli Making Class

afternoon tea, high tea or baby shower sweet delights

Mini tarts and sweets

Decadent desserts

No knead breading making….so easy…so rewarding


Twice baked gruyere cheese souffles

I adore these gruyere cheese souffles not only because they are so delicious to eat, but they are so easy to make with very little to do at the last minute ♥♥♥twice baked grueyere cheese soufle


40g unsalted butter
2 eschalots, finely chopped
2 tsp chopped thyme
¼ cup plain flour
1 cup milk
¹⁄³ cup grated Gruyere cheese
2 eggs, separated
whole nutmeg
¹⁄³ cup grated Gruyere cheese, extra
Cheese sauce:-
¹⁄³ cup milk
¹⁄³ cup grated Gruyere cheese
  • Preheat oven to 180°C, brush three ramekins with melted butter & dust with flour.
  • Melt 1 tsp butter in a pan over medium heat.  Add eschalots and thyme.  Cook for 4 minutes until soft.  Set aside to cool.
  • Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan over medium heat.  Add the flour and cook, whisking for 1-2 mins.  Remove from heat and add the milk a little at a time, whisking constantly until smooth.  return to the heat and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon until smooth.  Add ¹⁄³ cup cheese and stir until melted.  Remove from the heat.
  • Combine the eschalot mixture and 1 egg yolk in a small food processor and process until smooth. Stir into the cheese sauce with the remaining egg yolk. Grate a little nutmeg over the mixture, and season with salt and pepper.  Transfer to a bowl to cool slightly.
  • Whisk egg-whites with a pinch of salt until soft peaks form.  Stir one-third into the cheese mixture to loosen it, then carefully told in the remaining two-thirds.  Spoon filling into the dishes until two thirds full, then tap them on the bench to remove any air bubbles.  Place in a roasting pan and pour in enough boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the dishes.  Bake uncovered for 20-25 mins until set.  Remove souffles from water bath and refrigerate until cold.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C and line a baking try with non-stick baking paper.  Turn the souffles out onto the prepared tray.  Top each with extra Gruyere cheese and bake for 5-7 mins until golden.
  • To make the cheese sauce, combine the milk and cheese in a saucepan over medium-low heat and cook 3-4 minutes, stirring often, until the cheese is melted and the sauce is smooth.  Season to taste.
  • To serve, place the souffles on a warm plate and spoon over the warm cheese cause and top with large shreds of Gruyere cheese and some baby herbs.
Please leave a comment if you have enjoyed this recipe so I know I am making people happy ❤️


This entry was posted on July 6, 2016, in Recipes.

Passionfruit melting moments

These delicious little  morsels of sweetness are hard to put down and everyone will want more ♥♥♥

Passionfruit melting moments


  • 3 passionfruit
  • 250g unsalted  butter, softened
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup icing sugar mixture
  • 1 ²⁄³ cups plain flour
  • ½ cup cornflour

Passionfruit butter cream:-

  • 80g butter, softened
  • ²⁄³ cup icing sugar mixture
  • 1 tbsp reserved passionfruit juice


  1. Preheat oven to moderately low
  2. Remove pulp from passionfruit, place pulp into a fine sieve and press down with the back of a spoon.  You will need to reserve one tablespoon of the juice for the passionfruit butter cream.
  3. Beat butter, vanilla and sifted icing sugar with an electric mixer until pale.  Stir in combined sifted flours in two batches, then stir in the passionfruit pulp.
  4. With lightly floured hands, roll two level teaspoons of mixture into balls, place on baking paper lined oven trays about 3cm apart. Dip fork into a little extra flour, press fork onto biscuits lightly.
  5. Bake in a moderately slow oven about 15 mins until biscuits are a pale straw colour.  Stand biscuits on trays 5 minutes, transfer to wire racks to cool
  6. Sandwich biscuits with a teaspoon of the passionfruit butter cream.  Dust with a little extra icing sugar if desired.

Passionfruit buttercream:-

Beat butter and sifted icing sugar in a small bowl with an electric mixer until pale and fluffy.  Beat in reserved passionfruit juice.

Makes about 25…..Enjoy with a cuppa!

Please leave a comment below and/or on the Instagram post if you enjoyed my recipe so I know I’m making people happy

This entry was posted on July 6, 2016, in Recipes.

Lemon polenta cakes with lemon icing

These adorable little bite-sized delights are gluten free as they are made with polenta, almond meal and coconut, and they are so light and delicious you will want to make them over and over again ♥♥♥


  • 115g unsalted butter at room tempdelightful gluten free mini polenta cakes
  • 115g castor sugar
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 55g almond meal
  • 55g desiccated coconut
  • 55g fine polenta
  • zest 1 lemon, finely grated
  • 1¼ tbsp lemon juice
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract


  • 110g icing sugar, sieved
  • 1-2 tbsp lemon juice
  • sugar flowers to decorate


  1. Preheat the oven to 150°C, and grease mini muffin trays and place a little square of baking paper on the base to prevent sticking.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar in an electric mixer for 2 mins or until lump free (the mixture does not need to be light and fluffy).
  3. Slowly beat in the eggs, then fold in the ground almonds, polenta, lemon zest, lemon juice, baking powder and vanilla.
  4. Fill mini muffin trays 2/3 of the way up.  Use the back of a spoon to flatten the top.  IMG_1981
  5. Bake for 20 mins until they are just coming away from the sides of the tin.
  6. To make the icing, mix the sieved icing sugar and lemon juice in a bowl until smooth, spoon over the cakes letting the icing dribble down the sides a bit. Top with  flowers while still wet and then leave to set.

Please leave a comment below and/or on the Instagram post if you have enjoyed my recipe so I know I’m making people happy ❤️


This entry was posted on July 6, 2016, in Recipes.

Sticky date puddings & butterscotch sauce

sticky date puddingsI adore sticky date puddings and here I have made individual ones which are easily done in large muffin tins. The butterscotch sauce on top is so decadent but absolutely divine ♥♥♥


  • 200g chopped dates
  • 1¼ cups water
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 60g unsalted butter
  • ¾ cup castor sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup self-raising flour

Butterscotch sauce:-

  • 1 cup brown sugar – firmly packed
  • 1 cup cream
  • 200g butter


  1. Grease 10 large muffin trays, line base with paper
  2. Combine dates and water in pan, bring to boil, remove from heat, add soda, stand 5 mins.
  3. Cream butter and sugar in a small bowl with electric mixer until well combined.
  4. Beat in eggs, 1 at a time.  Gently fold in sifted flour, then date mixture.  Pour into prepared trays.
  5. Bake in moderate oven about 20-30 mins or until cook through.
  6. Turn onto plates and pour sauce over the puddings.

Butterscotch sauce:-

Combine all ingredients in pan, stir over heat, without boiling until sugar is dissolved, then simmer, stirring for            3 minutes.

Please leave a comment below or on the Instagram post if you have enjoyed this recipe so I know I’m making people happy ❤️


This entry was posted on July 6, 2016, in Recipes.