Drunken Potatoes

This is the most delicious potato recipe you will want to make it again and again.  I did this recipe in my cooking competition on the “Come Dine With Me” Australia Lifestyle cooking television program ♥♥♥Drunken potatoes



  • 3 large potatoes – peeled & thinly sliced
  • 3 tbsp of olive oil
  • 200mls dry white wine
  • sea salt
  • chopped rosemary
  • chopped bacon (optional)


  1. Layer the potatoes in a large baking dish, drizzle olive oil all over, then sprinkle with sea salt, pour wine over the potatoes and sprinkle over rosemary or chopped bacon.
  2. Bake at 200°C for 35-45 mins until golden brown on top and potatoes are cooked through.

These potatoes take on a gorgeous creamy texture and will wow all your guests I promise.  The main complaint I receive is there is not enough!!!!!  Leave a comment below to let me know if you love them ♥

